Kenzie Allen

poet & multimodal artist

selected poems

Love Song to the Alpacas of Solomon Lane,” “In Which I Become (Earth Mother),” and “Elegy against Elegy.” The Adroit Journal, Issue 49, April 2024. Online.*

Even the word Oneida / can’t be written in Oneida.” Bellingham Review in Spring 2023, as winner of the 2022 49th Parallel Award.

109 Bermuda.” Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day, November 22, 2022; with audio.

End of the Trail.” Poetry Magazine, September 2022.

Quiet as Thunderbolts.” The Paris Review Daily, June 2021.*

When I Say I Love You, This Is What I Mean.” The Adroit Journal Issue 20, March 2017.* 

But We Are Still Here.” 92 Street Y’s A New Colossus online festival, July 2017; with audio.

Repatriation.” The Puritan, Issue 27; with audio.*

Token” and “How The Skin Bruises If You Lie There Long Enough.” Boston Review, April 2016; with audio read by Andi Ardnt.*

Fibonacci,” “Fistful of Emilys,” and “Ribbons.”* Horse Less Review #18; with audio.

Lubbock.” Deep South Magazine, “Southern Voice,” April 2016.

Love Song to the Man Announcing Pow Wows and Rodeos,” “Whatever is the Matter,” and “How To Be A Real Indian.” Narrative magazine’s Winter 2017 issue, Poem of the Week 2016-2017 and of 2015-2016, respectively. (Free sign-up to read the full piece.)*

* denotes poems included in Cloud Missives (Tin House 2024)

For a complete list of publications & work, click here.